Kawartha Lakes / Peterborough / Northumberland (KPN): Senior 55+ District 12 Games are comprised of Summer and Winter Games held annually in the KPN counties for adults 55+ years of age. These games focus on promoting an active lifestyle in an atmosphere of fun, fellowship and friendly competition aligned with the OSGA 55+ Games’ provincial focus.
Summer Sports Recognized by OSGA: Bid Euchre, Billiards (8-Ball & 9-Ball); Bocce, 5P Bowling, Carpet Bowling, Contract Bridge, Cribbage, Cycling, Darts, Euchre, Floor Shuffleboard, Golf, Lawn Bowling, Pickleball, Slo-Pitch, Swimming, Tennis, Walk/Run
Winter Sports Recognized by OSGA: Badminton, 10P Bowling, Curling, Duplicate Bridge, Ice Hockey, Skating, Skiiing, Table-Tennis, Volleyball
Organizing Committee: 2023 Summer Games
Chair | Valerie Thompson 905 372-1110 vjtcobourg@gmail.com |
District Coordinator / Bid Euchre & Walking | Eva Ferguson: 289-252-1162 osga-dist12@cogeco.ca |
Treasurer | Pat Helcl: 905-373-1012 phelcl@gmail.com |
Billiards – 8 Ball | Lori & Don McKnight: 705-930-4324 lmcknight4@gmail.com |
Bowling – 5 Pin | Bob Chatten: 905-289-1709 northshorelanes22@gmail.com |
Bridge – Contract | Edward Hughes: 705-740-3841 rxcist@gmail.com |
Carpet Bowling | David Shirley: 905-352-3490 kathdave375@gmail.com |
Euchre (Progressive) | Edward Hughes: 705-740-3841 rxcist@gmail.com |
Golf | Claudia van der Meulen: 905-396-9270 osgagolf23@gmail.com |
Pickleball | Robbie Brooks: 705-749-2558 rbrooks25@cogeco.ca |
Slo-Pitch | Brian McMillan: 705-868-0483 mcmillansports@gmail.com John Roffey: 289-688-8778 |
Swimming | Lori Wills: 905-885-2474 lwills@porthope.ca |
Table Tennis | Terry Musgrave: 905-377-0160 cheegrave@icloud.com |
Tennis | Rebecca Vaughan: 289-251-7229 vaughanrebecca@yahoo.com |
Walking – Prediction & Nordic | Eva Ferguson: 289-252-1162 eva.ferguson@cogeco.ca |
The district is comprised of 3 counties: Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough, and Northumberland (KPN).
In 1986, the official OSGA District12 was formed and currently is one of over 30 Districts throughout Ontario under the direction of the Ontario Senior Games Association (OSGA 55+ Games).
At that time, each of the counties chose to operate separately, holding their own games. Winners of each county would compete once again to represent District12 in the Ontario Games. Around 2012, Kawartha Lakes and Peterborough ceased to operate independently and gave the reigns over to Northumberland, which has continued to thrive. From that time forward, only one committee represents all three counties. One set of Summer games and one set of Winter games are held, rather than separate events for each county.
Winning teams or individuals from the qualifying district games move forward to represent District12 in Regional and Provincial Games.
We plan to hold qualifying events in the Fall this year for the Ontario Winter Games to be held in Orillia in February 2024. If you are interested in participating or hosting a qualifying tournament in any of the sports noted above, please contact the District Coordinator, Eva Ferguson.

If you would like more information about the Ontario Senior Games Association,
please use this link: www.osga55plus.ca